C ontextualized A ssistance Tablet for the T ransmission of C ommand I nformation
Date: 2013-2016
Research program including SWORD - Procedure: RAPID (DGA)
C2s are intended to help a military command post manage its resources, issue orders and, above all, understand the tactical situation by synthesizing known information.
The objectives of the project were:
Assess the feasibility and value of new interaction hypotheses using
the technologies offered by touch tablets
contextual graphs
II. Designing a new C2/COP interface using modern and innovative interaction concepts
III. Using a multidisciplinary approach to better take into account the operator
LabSticc (Telecom Bretagne France) Research Partner
LIP6 (Pierre& Marie Curie University, France) Research Partner
Intuitive World (France) Industrial Partner
MASA Group (Lead)
Results at the end of the project: a C2 touchscreen demonstrator on IPAD stimulated by the SWORD simulation allowing the detailed monitoring of tactical situations and the passing of graphic orders.