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Research and development


If you are looking for a partner for R&D projects, MASA can offer you a wide range of expertise related to its products. We take part in national (ANR, Astrid, Rapid,...) and European (H2020, EDIDP, ICET2, ...) projects as leader or partner.



Expertise offered with an intelligence simulation 


SWORD et SYNERGY use the same approach based on a configurable simulation with autonomous agents allowing the simulation of entities that interact, evolve, and dynamically adapt their behaviors to the evolution of their environment. Each simulated entity uses its own decision-making process to provide realistic and credible behaviors. These entities can take into account the current situation and its evolution, including changes in the environment, interaction with other entities, their own capabilities and internal states. SWORD has been used in several projects to evolve the situation (CBRN disasters, volcanic eruption, population evacuation) or to simulate external environments or applications (crisis cells, operational tools...) according to given scenarios based on real data.

Simulation can also be a solution to integrate and visualize external data (for example from external numerical simulations), to evaluate and render the impact of an event (natural disaster, terrorist attack...) on the environment and the simulated entities.


Proposed expertise in artificial intelligence


MASA's artificial intelligence technology, DirectAI, offers a graphical editor to design decision behaviors through decision trees (behavior trees) and provides an API to integrate with various virtual (simulations) or real (robots) environments.

We can offer DirectAI to design and execute an AI that we can adapt for the benefit of a project and a need in the following areas:


  • serious games,

  • virtual simulations,

  • training or analysis platform,

  • robotics

As part of your R&D projects, MASA  can provide you with: 

Training of crisis cells and military staffs:


  • Division and Brigade levels,

  • Critical infrastructures (energy suppliers, transport, ...)

  • Logistics crisis, CBRN-E, ...

  • Disaster management (Flood, forest fire, storm, ...)

PICTO Training.png

Hypothesis evaluation: Monte Carlo method:

Assessing hypotheses through simulation:

  • Evaluation of the resilience of a plan (maneuver, backup and rescue plan, ...)

  • New equipment,

  • New employment doctrine,

  • Course of action analysis

PICTO Hypothesis evaluation.png

Related project

Operational analysis: digital sandbox:

Use case

  • Analysis of new concepts

  • Design or analysis of new equipment

  • Design of their employment doctrine

  • Planning

  • Systems of systems simulation

Associated project

PICTO Sandbox.png

• Improve understanding of complex situations

• Causal graphs

• Intelligent summary of the situation

• Intelligent calculation of deadlines

• Intelligent calculation of the future position of enemies

Understanding of complex situations:

PICTO Complex situations.png

Related projects

Integration of external models and simulation of human behavior:

• Reaction of the population and first responders to various disasters

• Integration of external disaster models

• Modeling of human behavior based on sociological analysis, doctrine,


PICTO human behaviors.png

Related projects

Command and control system

  • Assessment assistance

  • Realistic stimulation

  • Help with training and getting started

PICTO Commandments.png

Related projects

Modeling autonomous robot behaviors:

  • Real or simulated robots / drones

  • Simulation of autonomous platforms and their interaction with a human platoon.

  • Integration of DAI(RT) in a real UGV swarm

PICTO Autonomous robots.png

Related projects

Planning support

Associated project

• Plan design

• Consideration of constraints

• Cost evaluation and calculation of operational indicators

• Confrontation of courses of action

PICTO Action plan.png
Notre mission
Nos projets

Our projects

Pack of heterogeneous robots for site surveillance thanks to Direct AI



Calculation of future enemy positions thanks to SWORD



Planning assistance thanks to SWORD



Designs of the doctrine for the use of new equipment



Mode of action design and analysis



Help understanding complete tactical simulation



Comportement et simulation des robots autonomes



Modeling of aerial behavior in an external simulation



Understanding and analysis of tactical situations



Modeling and simulation of influence operations



Tactical situational awareness and graphic order



Modeling and simulation of CBRN-E crisis management



Evacuation, rescue and volcanic eruption modeling and simulation


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